This website is dedicated to helping you plan your adventure into the largest tract of tropical rainforest north of the Amazon, an area known as “La Moskitia”, located along on the isolated Caribbean coast of northeastern Honduras.
At the heart of La Moskitia lies the Rio Plátano Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition to containing over three hundred bird species and some of Central America’s greatest biodiversity, the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve is also home to four distinct indigenous groups – the Miskito, Pech, Garifuna, and Tawahka – each with their own unique languages, cultures, and traditions.
La Ruta Moskitia is your pathway to exploring this amazing region, and this website contains all the information you will need to plan your visit to La Moskitia. From information on how to get there, to detailed maps of the Reserve, to photos and information on all of the activities you can do while you are there...adventure is just a click away! |